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image movie


We moored on beaches full of nocturnal perfumes
With warblings of birds, waters that left in the hands
The memory of a great success.
But the voyages never end.

George Seferis


Images of the Cyclades and words of Albert Camus, Odysseus Elytis, George Seferis.

The history of the islands and their people, myth and religion, all the elements that make up the special identity of Mykonos and of Delos, have the leading role in this film structured in two parts. The documentary enjoyed international acclaim and was screened in universities in America and Europe.


Director: Maria Chatzimichali-Papaliou

Editing: Yiannis Tsitsopoulos 

Music: Costas Charitatos 

Director of photography: Vassilis Klotsotiras

Texts: Katerina Zarokostas 

With the kind support of: Domain Hatzimichalis