In the sixteenth century, during the trying times of Ottoman rule, an Athenian noblewoman dares to defy the authority of Suleiman the Magnificent. She frees men and women from the slave markets, paying for their liberation from her personal fortune. She sets up the first school for women in Greece...
"Temperance, the greatest virtue and wisdom, is to speak the truth and act in accordance with nature, by listening to it". Eveytime we witness the violent desecration of nature, carried out by man in the name of development, we are reminded of the extent to which we have strayed from...
Socrates, towering figure in the history of mankind, is timeless symbol of humanist values and critical thought in civilization worldwide. The Socratic spirit and the Socratic method and philosophy still permeate Western – as well as global – thinking and education. The coincidence of the start of the new millennium...
Nowhere else in the world do sun and moon reign together in such harmony. Nowhere do they share their power so justly as in this place where once – who knows in what incredible times – some god amused himself by cutting and blowing this seeming plane-leaf into the midst...
Lycia, like Asia Minor as a whole, is a place where Hellenism had a continuous presence from antiquity until its violent end in the period 1914-1922, when the Turkish victors uprooted the Greeks from their ancestral homelands. Guide in the journey through Lycia are ancient authors and foreign travellers. The...
A documentary in 8 episodes covering the subject of Macedonia from mythical times until the 19th century. The beauty of the Macedonian landscape and the historical monuments play the leading role in the series, together with the writings of ancient Greek, Roman, Byzantine and later authors in a journey through...
A series of 5 half-hour episodes, filmed in areas of Epirus and Albania, some of which had never been filmed before, due to the isolationist policy of Emver Hodja. Screened and commended in international festivals, as well as in museums and in universities in the USA and Europe. Distributed to...