A series of 30 half-hour dramatized documentaries, filmed exclusively by women directors, for the first time in the history of television in Greece. Heroines of the films are eponymous and anonymous women who, each one through her personal discourse, compose the bigger picture by enhancing through the individual the collective:...
The film ‘Athenians fighting on behalf of the Greeks – 2,500 years since the battle of Marathon’ is a documentary by Maria Hatzimichali-Papaliou about the historical circumstances, the causes, the progress and the results of the clash at Marathon. Shot where the battle took place, the film also utilize a...
Two anniversary films, 30-minutes and 15-minutes long each, about the leading Greek educational foundation which has set its seal not only on the country’s scientific life but also on its history, with climactic moments the resistance against the German Occupation and the uprising against the Junta.
“People of Peace”is based mainly on excerpts from ancient Greek writers, as far as the narration is concerned, and uses scenes from conflicts of the last century that demonstrate their devastating effects on the earth and humanity. The excerpts are read by leading personalities of our times, who have taken...
‘We cultivate refinement without extravagance and knowledge without effeminacy; wealth we employ more for use than for show.’ These are not the words of a present-day politician who finds an audience to believe his truth. They are 2,500 years old and are attributed by Thucydides to that golden personality who...
We moored on beaches full of nocturnal perfumes With warblings of birds, waters that left in the hands The memory of a great success. But the voyages never end. George Seferis   Images of the Cyclades and words of Albert Camus, Odysseus Elytis, George Seferis. The history of the islands...
And so, farewell, son of Zeus and Leto; But I will remember you and another hymn also. The Homeric Hymn to Apollo is one of the earliest surviving works of ancient Greek literature. Dated to the 7th century BC, it is written in the metre and language of the epic and was...