The series ‘You are not alone’ is a voyage into time and space, a journey to places buried in oblivion. Its 10 episodes deal with panhuman values that were expressed in past societies, based on Patristic writings, the Gospels, theoretical, philosophical doxastic and very often prophetic texts. These texts, which...
A film that followed all over Greece the making of Theodore Angelopoulos’s film The Beekeeper, with the aim not of recording the filming but of delving deeper into the relations and conflicts between the director, the actors and the crew A film that looks lovingly at Angelopoulos and his film, but...
‘… on a sudden, a noise was heard from some of the neighbouring places, as from an hydraulic organ, very pleasant and agreeable, so that we all turned round towards it being charmed by the melody; and Ulpian looking towards the musical Alcides said, Do you hear O you most...
Within the assertive climate of the years after the restoration of democracy in 1974, a fringe group, the blind, many of them beggars, protested by demanding Bread and Education and not Beggary. With the camera in hand, for two years I followed all phases of this mobilization, which put on...